诗词 | 《贺新郎·春情》 李玉 |
释义 | 《贺新郎·春情》 李玉
醉沉沉、庭阴转午,画堂人静。 芳草王孙知何处,惟有杨花糁径。 渐玉枕、腾腾春醒。 帘外残红春已透,镇无聊、殢酒厌厌病。 云鬓乱,未忺整。 江南旧事休重省。 遍天涯、寻消问息,断鸿难情。 月满西楼凭阑久,依旧归期未定。 又只恐、瓶沉金井。 嘶骑不来银烛暗,枉教人、立尽梧桐影。 谁伴我,对鸾镜。 贺新郎·春情英译LI Yu – Lyrics to the Melody of Congratulations to the GroomFrom the gold burner scatter twirls of smoke in seal *, Deep in a hangover I am, in the shade is the courtyard in the afternoon, The hall is quiet and undisturbed. Where are those noblemen in search of fragrant verdure? There are only willow catkins drifting over the paths. On a jade pillow, slowly I sober become, Beyond the screen scatter the remains of blossoms after spring has passed, Steeped in tedium, I'm weak and weary from the wine I drank. Messy is my hair, though for now I don't feel like combing it. I shall not dwell on what happened in the Yangtze's south, I've travelled from place to place in search of his whereabouts, Unfortunately stray wild geese cannot be entrusted with assignments. On the balustrade of the west chamber I lean under the moonlight, Still not yet decided is his return date. I'm afraid maybe it's like a message in a bottle that has sunken into a well, Maybe his horse will not come and the silver candle holder shall in the dark remain, Yet here I am pacing under the phoenix tree in vain. Who have I to at my side as I a pretty phoenix mirror face? 贺新郎·春情翻译及注释翻译 注释 贺新郎·春情赏析李玉只留下这一首词,此词描写一女子思念情人。开篇写金炉里香烟袅袅上升,盘旋缭绕,似篆体形的字。这是深锁闺房“醉沉沉”的人之所见。“画堂人静”正面点出人物。“芳草”句点明她在思念着远行人!“腾腾春醒”指醒后的情态。“帘外”指落花满地,春深喻人老,“镇无聊”写出她的情来。下片则完全是女主人公的自我抒情。过片点明王孙音信杳然,旧事不堪重提。以下,怨归期未定而仍倚遍阑干,“恐瓶沉金井”而仍“立尽梧桐影”,可谓痴情已极。末二句自叹孤独,又与前面遥相呼应。过片只轻点一句“江南旧事休重省”,江南旧事的具体内容只字不提,给人留下丰富的想象空间,以下则转写凭栏伫立望归的情景。“瓶沉金井”化用白居易《井底引银瓶》的诗意表现出一种近乎绝望的心情,语意沉痛。结尾几句描写其明知不归而还要久久伫立的痴情。真是个多情的女子。陈廷焯评曰:“此词绮丽风华,情韵并盛,允推名作”(《白雨斋词话》)。全词将且思且怨的复杂心情,抒发得温柔深婉。《贺新郎·春情》李玉 拼音读音hè xīn láng chūn qíng zhuàn lǚ xiāo jīn dǐng. 网友评析 |
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