词句 | 单相思是的诗句 |
释义 | 单相思是的诗句单相思是的诗句 导语不知结果的`爱恋,让预言,猜测,欣喜,欢愉,嫉妒,忧愁,充斥生活里的每一秒钟,不知不觉间,竟已然成为诗人以下是小编整理单相思是的诗句的资料,欢迎阅读参考。 单相思是的诗句1一寸相思千万绪,人间没个安排处。---李冠《蝶恋花》 2.重迭泪痕缄锦字,人生只有情难死。---文廷式《蝶恋花》 3.人生自是有情痴,此恨不关风与月。---欧阳修《玉楼春》 4.曲尽人散空别离悠悠我心奈何天---张先《千秋岁》 5.衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴---柳永《蝶恋花》 6.曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云---元稹《离思》爱情诗句 7.红楼隔雨相望冷,珠箔飘灯独自归。 8.此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。 9.庭院幽幽无人处,携手芳丛与谁同。难禁相思又半载,耗尽此生不能穷 10.无情不似多情苦,一寸还成千万缕。天涯海角有穷时,只有相思无尽处。 11.山有木兮木有枝,心悦君兮君不知。 12.落花有意随流水,流水无意恋落花。 13.落花已作风前舞,流水依旧只东去。 14.柳莺婉叩氤氲开,为思佳人愁又来。唯见复日勾魂笑,心头积郁方得排。 15.君住长江头,我住长江尾,日日思君不见君,共饮长江水。 16.多情只有春庭月,犹为离人照落花。 17.春心莫共花争发,一寸相思一寸灰。 18.春霄睡重,梦里还相送,枕畔起寻双玉凤,半日才知是梦。一从卖翠人还,又无音信经年。却把泪来作水,流也流到伊边。 19.斑骓只系垂杨岸,何处西南待好风。 20.青青子佩,悠悠我思,纵我不往,子宁不来? 21.直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。 22.一如侯门深似海,从此蟑螂陌路人。 23.我本将心像明月,奈何明月照沟渠。 24.唯有相思似春色,江南江北送君归。 25.漠漠轻寒上小楼,晓音无赖似穷愁。淡烟流水画屏幽,自在飞花皆似梦。无边私语细如愁,宝帘闲挂小银钩。 26.美葵一意只朝日,蓠下莴心尽败颓。 27.落花有意,流水无情 28.人生若只如初见,何事西风悲画扇---纳兰性德《木兰辞 拟古决绝词柬友》 29.多情自古伤离别,更那堪,冷落清秋节---柳永《雨霖铃》 30.此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然---李商隐《锦瑟》 31.料得年年肠断处,明月夜,短松冈---苏轼《江城子》 32.寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚---李清照《声声慢》 33.这次第,怎一个愁字了得---李清照《声声慢》 34.被酒莫惊春睡重,赌书消得泼茶香。当时只道是寻常。——纳兰性德《浣溪沙》 35.在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。——白居易《长恨歌》 36.从别后,忆相逢,几回魂梦与君同。——李之仪《鹧鸪天》 37.众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。——辛弃疾《青玉案·元夕》 描写单相思的诗句21、落花已作风前舞,流水依旧只东去。 2、漠漠轻寒上小楼,晓音无赖似穷愁。淡烟流水画屏幽,自在飞花皆似梦。无边私语细如愁,宝帘闲挂小银钩。 3、我本将心向明月,奈何明月照沟渠。 4、无情不似多情苦,一寸还成千万缕。天涯海角有穷时,只有相思无尽处。 5、相见时难别亦难,东风无力百花残。春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。晓镜但愁云鬓改,夜吟应觉月光寒。蓬山此去无归路,青鸟殷勤为探看。 6、秋风清,秋月明,落叶聚还散,寒鸦栖复惊。相思相见知何日,此时此夜难为情;入我相思门,知我相思苦,长相思兮长相忆,短相思兮无穷极,早知如此绊人心,还如当初不相识。 7、我欲与君相知,长命无绝衰。山无陵,江水为竭,冬雷震震,夏雨雪,天地合,乃敢与君绝! 8、青青子矜,悠悠我心,纵我不往,子宁不嗣?青青子佩,悠悠我思,纵我不往,子宁不来?挑兮达兮,在城阙兮,一日不见,如三月兮! 9、贱妾留南楚,征夫向北燕。三秋方一日,少别比千年。不掩嚬红楼,无论数绿钱。相思明月夜,迢递白云天。 10、彼采葛兮,一日不见,如三月兮!彼采萧兮,一日不见,如三秋兮!彼采艾兮,一日不见,如三岁兮! 11、蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜。所谓伊人,在水一方。溯洄从之,道阻且长;溯游从之,宛在水中央。蒹葭凄凄,白露未晞。所谓伊人,在水之湄。溯洄从之,道阻且跻;溯游从之,宛在水中坻。蒹葭采采,白露未已,所谓伊人,在水之涘。溯洄从之,道阻且右;溯游从之,宛在水中沚。 延伸阅读:(英语版) 1. The fallen flowers have been dancing before, and the water is still going east. 2. Cold and cold to the small building, xiao Ming knave like a worry. Light smoke flowing water painting screen, free flying flowers all like dreams. A boundless whisper of sorrow, a treasure curtain hanging from a silver hook. 3I had been intent on the moon and the moon in the ditch. 4, be merciless and bitter, one inch is still wisp. When the ends of the earth are poor, there is no end. 5When we meet, it is difficult to meet, but the east wind is powerless. Spring silkworms to the death of silk, wax ash dry. Xiao jing but worry about the temples, night Yin should feel the moonlight cold. There was no way to return to the mountain, and the young birds were attentive to it. 6, autumn breeze clear, autumn moon bright, the leaves gather and disperse, the jackdaws are shocked. When we meet and know each other, this night is self-conscious; When I was in love with each other, I knew that I was in love with each other. I had a long time to think of each other, and I was so short of thinking that I could not have known each other. 7I want to be known to you, and I have no end in life. Mountain without mausoleum, river water is the exhaustion, winter thunder earthquake, summer rain snow, heaven and earth together, dare and you! 8Qingqing zi, yo-yo my heart, I do not go to, son ning not heir? Qingqing zipper, leisurely I think, I do not go to, son ning not to come? I can't see you in the city, like march! 9The base concubine stays south chu, the husband to the north yan. Three - autumn square one day, less than a thousand years. Don't mask Pin red chamber, regardless of the number of green money. On a moonlit night. 10. I can't see you in a day, like march! I can't see you, I can't see you. I don't see you, like three years old! 11. The white dew is frost. The so-called iraqis, on the water side. The way back to the backwater, the road is blocked and long; Back from it, wan is in the middle of the water. The ream is sad and the white dew is not. The so-called yi people, in the water Mekong. The way back to the back of the backwater, dao and the trace; The way back from, wan in the water. Jian Jia CaiCai, the millennium not already, the so-called iraqis, Si in the water. Back to the back, the road is block |
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