释义 |
诗句共7个字,诗句拼音为:yuè rén měi tàn tóng chái shǎo,诗句平仄:仄平仄仄平平仄。
破屋颓垣啸且歌,一窗随处寄婆娑。 阅人每叹同侪少,遇事方知去日多。 云湿沙洲秋下雁,雨来荻浦夜鸣鼍。 何时更续扁舟兴?剩载郫筒醉绿萝。
《北窗》陆游 翻译、赏析和诗意
整首诗词以简练而深沉的语言,表达了作者对人生变迁和人情世故的思考和感慨,展现了作者积极向上的精神和对美好生活的追求。同时,通过自然意象的运用和景物的描绘,使诗词具有丰富的意境和感染力,给读者留下深刻的印象《北窗》 is a poem written by the Song dynasty literati Lu You. Here is the Chinese translation, poetic meaning, and analysis of the poem:
Chinese Translation:
Poetic Meaning:
Amidst a dilapidated house and crumbling walls, I sing out loud,
One window reflects the graceful and charming scenes everywhere.
Observing others, they lament the scarcity of peers,
But it is only when faced with troubles that one realizes the passing of days.
Damp clouds descend upon the sandbars in autumn, as geese fly by,
When rain arrives, the night resounds with the croaking of toads in the reed-covered shores.
When will there be another opportunity to continue the joy of sailing?
Remnants carry a bamboo tube from Pi county, intoxicated within the embrace of green creepers.
"北窗" employs concise yet vivid language to depict the author's inner emotions and contemplation of life. The poem presents a lively portrayal of the scenery through rich natural imagery, imbuing it with a sense of vitality. The author expresses a resilient and optimistic attitude despite the hardships, symbolized by the depiction of the dilapidated house and crumbling walls. The window in the poem embodies the eyes and soul of a person, representing the author's observations and reflections on the world. Through the window, the author notices the dwindling number of peers, reflecting societal changes and the impermanence of life. The natural elements in the poem, such as the damp clouds, migrating geese in autumn, and the croaking toads in the rainy night, echo the ups and downs of life, conveying the author's sentiment towards the passage of time and the vicissitudes of life. Lastly, the author yearns for another opportunity to embark on a boat with a bamboo tube, symbolizing a return to past passions and dreams, representing a longing and pursuit of a better life.
The poem employs concise yet profound language to express the author's contemplation and sentiments towards the changes of life and the complexities of human relationships. It showcases the author's resilient spirit and pursuit of a better life. Through the use of natural imagery and vivid descriptions, the poem creates a rich artistic conception and emotional impact, leaving a deep impression on the readers.
* 此内容来自古诗词爱好者,仅供参考
běi chuāng 北窗
pò wū tuí yuán xiào qiě gē, yī chuāng suí chù jì pó suō. 破屋颓垣啸且歌,一窗随处寄婆娑。 yuè rén měi tàn tóng chái shǎo, yù shì fāng zhī qù rì duō. 阅人每叹同侪少,遇事方知去日多。 yún shī shā zhōu qiū xià yàn, yǔ lái dí pǔ yè míng tuó. 云湿沙洲秋下雁,雨来荻浦夜鸣鼍。 hé shí gèng xù piān zhōu xìng? shèng zài pí tǒng zuì lǜ luó. 何时更续扁舟兴?剩载郫筒醉绿萝。
拼音:yuè rén měi tàn tóng chái shǎo
韵脚:(仄韵) 上声十七筱 (仄韵) 去声十八啸
* 平仄拼音来自网络,仅供参考;诗句韵脚有多个的时候,对比全诗即可判断。