释义 |
诗句共5个字,诗句拼音为:yīn hé jù qí è,诗句平仄:平平仄平仄。
黄河走东溟,不知几万里。 奔腾鼓风雷,势欲卷厚地。 百川随呼吸,浑浑失气类。 正德不可乱,横绝见清济。 诡士富纵横,机辩回天地。 观其投说时,揣摩探人意。 高论未能窥,茫然何所试。 仿佛一隙开,汹涌惊涛起。 阴阖拒其恶,阳开示其喜。 危冠揖时君,担簦擅国势。 六印黄金多,双璧连城贵。 岁晚客子来,倾变心若死。
《杂诗》李复 翻译、赏析和诗意
杂诗 refers to a miscellaneous poem, created by Li Fu during the Song Dynasty. The poem describes the vastness and wonders of the Yellow River, as well as the exploration and contemplation of the ever-changing world by people.
River Huang runs to the Eastern sea, its length unknown. Rushing and roaring, like drums, winds and thunders, it seems to engulf the land.
Countless rivers are like breaths, indistinct and without purpose. The righteous virtue shall not be disturbed, and the chaotic times shall not be seen.
Cunning individuals with wealth and power maneuver freely, using their wit and persuasiveness to manipulate the world. When observing their words and actions, one must discern their true intentions.
Great theories are yet to be understood, leaving one confused and uncertain about where to begin. It's like opening a small gap, causing turbulent waves to surge.
The yin and yang energies reject evil and embrace happiness. With a hat of danger, the poet greets the emperor, taking charge of state affairs.
Many golden seals and twin jades make a city prosperous. But as the year nears its end, the arrival of a visitor brings about changes, causing one's mind to appear dead.
This poem depicts the magnificent scenery of the Yellow River and reveals the author's concerns about the turbulent times and restless human hearts. At the same time, it also showcases the power of exploration and wisdom, as well as the longing and expectations for an ideal society.
* 此内容来自古诗词爱好者,仅供参考
zá shī 杂诗
huáng hé zǒu dōng míng, bù zhī jǐ wàn lǐ. 黄河走东溟,不知几万里。 bēn téng gǔ fēng léi, shì yù juǎn hòu dì. 奔腾鼓风雷,势欲卷厚地。 bǎi chuān suí hū xī, hún hún shī qì lèi. 百川随呼吸,浑浑失气类。 zhèng dé bù kě luàn, héng jué jiàn qīng jì. 正德不可乱,横绝见清济。 guǐ shì fù zòng héng, jī biàn huí tiān dì. 诡士富纵横,机辩回天地。 guān qí tóu shuō shí, chuǎi mó tàn rén yì. 观其投说时,揣摩探人意。 gāo lùn wèi néng kuī, máng rán hé suǒ shì. 高论未能窥,茫然何所试。 fǎng fú yī xì kāi, xiōng yǒng jīng tāo qǐ. 仿佛一隙开,汹涌惊涛起。 yīn hé jù qí è, yáng kāi shì qí xǐ. 阴阖拒其恶,阳开示其喜。 wēi guān yī shí jūn, dān dēng shàn guó shì. 危冠揖时君,担簦擅国势。 liù yìn huáng jīn duō, shuāng bì lián chéng guì. 六印黄金多,双璧连城贵。 suì wǎn kè zi lái, qīng biàn xīn ruò sǐ. 岁晚客子来,倾变心若死。
拼音:yīn hé jù qí è
韵脚:(仄韵) 去声七遇 (仄韵) 入声十药
* 平仄拼音来自网络,仅供参考;诗句韵脚有多个的时候,对比全诗即可判断。